Tag Archives: dip

Feta cheese dip

Dear future self, I am recording this tasty, healthy recipe for posterity.
Whip (using blender/food processor/Nutribullet):

  • Bunch of watercress
  • 3 spring onions (roughly chopped)
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 packet of feta cheese
  • Lemon juice (half or whole lemon)
  • A generous glug-glug of oIive oil.

I used organic ingredients. In the mythical land of Winkler, the polluters pay which makes pesticide-sprayed food grown with chemical fertilisers far more expensive than organic.

However back on planet Earth, we are still paying that bit extra even though organic farming is so beneficial.

My A.I. assistant has kindly listed the benefits (which I corrected for English spelling).

  1. Reduced Pesticide Exposure: Organic farming avoids the use of synthetic pesticides, which may reduce the risk of consuming pesticide residues.
  2. Environmental Conservation: Organic farming practices prioritise the use of natural fertilisers and crop rotation to maintain soil health and biodiversity.
  3. Animal Welfare: Organic livestock is raised without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones, potentially promoting better animal welfare.
  4. Nutritional Benefits: Some studies suggest that organic produce may contain higher levels of certain nutrients and antioxidants.

Signing off from human me.